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A human foot is home to approximately 7,000 nerve endings that all correspond to specific areas of the body, including organs and the spine. By targeting those nerve endings, reflexology can improve blood, lymph, and nerve flow to specific areas.


Clinical Reflexology is wonderful in helping with the following conditions:


Back pain and sciatica

Sports injuries and muscular aches

Headaches and migraines

Anxiety, sleep disorders, and depression

Pregnancy, birth, and fertility issues

IBS and other digestive disorders

Asthma and allergies

Stress reduction

Hormonal imbalances


Your first treatment will last 60-75 minutes. This enables me to understand your medical history, an overview of how your body has been managing itself, any symptoms you want to address, and what you would like to achieve from the treatment(s). All this information allows me to create a tailored treatment plan focusing specifically on your needs.


After your initial appointment, follow-ups will typically be one hour.

You will stay fully clothed except for shoes and socks and will have the chance to sit back and relax. It is best to wear loose trousers so that I can slightly roll them up.



As I am working on your feet, I will be releasing toxins from within your body. It is therefore important to follow this advice for up to 24 hours, in order to maximise the benefits of the treatment.

Drink plenty of water as this will help hydrate the body, flush out toxins and improve energy levels.

Try to rest for a couple of hours following treatment and avoid strenuous exercise for the rest of the day as this will help the treatment work to its full potential.

Avoid tea, coffee, and alcohol as these are stimulants and will reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

Eat a light and healthy diet to allow your body to put its energy into healing.

Make a note of any reactions you experience for your next appointment.






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